..[a life is a life is a life]..
A baby in the womb is just as deserving of life as you and me – remember that famous little tidbit about “the RIGHT to life, liberty, & happiness”?
Baby doesn’t know how they came to be (meaning through voluntary acts or the rare involuntary ones) … and it doesn’t matter. That’s a growing LIFE regardless of “how it got there”. What we’re left with today is being the product of a society that has accepted the low standard of not valuing human life – extraordinary numbers of voluntary abortions choosing death as punishment for an innocent little life that was “intentionally” created but tortured & thrown away like trash for simply existing by the very way biology and nature is supposed to work.
Man and Woman creates child. 🤷🏻♀️
It must have been around the time Roe v. Wade was overturned, so about a year ago…while I was trying to give Paul a morality lesson of why abortion is literally murder and is wrong for anyone regardless of if it “directly affected” them or not…we found a statistic for the U.S. that was honestly worse than even I had expected. Only 1.5% of reported reasons for abortion was due to rape/incest AND medical wellbeing/life of the mother.
98.5% of abortions in the U.S. are VOLUNTARY.
Read it again.
98.5% of abortions in the U.S. are VOLUNTARY. As in ELECTED.
Call it birth control failure, call it not being on birth control at all, call it not tracking your natural womanly cycles, call it not using a condom, call it a lack of responsibility.
Call it careless.
Call it being ignorant to the product of human reproduction since the beginning of time.
Mothers are choosing a painful death for these little souls over life. Because their community allows it.
Have we squished down so far as a whole that there are LESS than majority voices willing to stand up and fight for a better standard???
You’ve heard this line (or maybe even use it yourself) – “I would never choose to have an abortion but what other people do is their business”. Look where that mindset got us over the last 50 years… we let our community de-value life – our most innocent and precious stage of life that is also the worthiest and most in need of a voice to fight for them.
If our community as a majority does not push a core standard for valuing human life in all its stages, life will never again be valued, no one wins, we all lose.
A LOT OF AMERICANS are still hiding behind the “Why should I care? It doesn’t affect me” theory (or cop-out)…
What we allow will continue. It all trickles down and affects the communities we live in. If we aren’t willing to, as a majority, say “I’ve had enough now” and pick ourselves back up and stand for LIFE….
……..we are effed. We’re doomed and going down quick by our own hand.
A life is a life is a life.
We have to first hold value in “life” to be able to choose to protect it. I’m not talking about what we think adds value to our life – the selfish material worldly things we all seem to strive so hard to have and maintain. Valuing human life is to value the very existence of a life – not what society tells us we should value. We’ve fallen SO far as a community and nation.
🕯️🤍 but I still have hope.
Because that’s how I was raised and the light that the Lord has provided within me. WITHIN ALL OF US.
Things have to change; we have to start somewhere and dig in for the long haul. I don’t think we have the option, anymore, not to fight for the things that will build up and benefit our communities.