I was flipping through an old issue of the Magnificat and the word “SEMPER” caught my eye. Usually I don’t spend much time looking over the first several pages – the daily readings and prayers are mainly my go-tos.
Anyhow, I saw “SEMPER” and instinctively paused. Everyone knows Semper Fi relates to the United States Marines 🇺🇸 … soooo why is it in my Magnificat??
Quick Answer (for those, like myself, who aren’t cradle Catholics or never had the memory/attention span for history class):
Latin is the common denominator here.
{{ Catholicism’s Latin roots are still fairly pro dominant – I even hear there’s a growing number of young families opting to participate in the traditional Latin Mass over the standard English }}
As it reads here to describe our Mother Mary:
= ever faithful
As the U.S. Marines use it: SEMPER FI
= always faithful