August 22nd is Mac’s baptism date anniversary!
He’s been talking so much about his “birthday coming up at home” ever since friends at daycare started celebrating them by bringing in treats & singing with the class. While Mac’s birthday isn’t until November 25th, I took the opportunity to spend this special baptism day with him.
This was the first time I’d put any thought into intentionally celebrating a baptism anniversary date. We did some of Mac’s favorite things without spending any money (besides the gas station donuts…) and we were able to focus an extra day around the Lord & His goodness.
I did a previous post about how to celebrate baptism anniversaries with a quick and thoughtful “ceremony“.
We started the morning off by sleeping in just a few minutes later than we usually get. Daddy was kind enough to stop for a box of half-dozen donuts on his way home from work and we used these as Mac’s special treat for the day.
I got a few REALLY GOOD baptism day pictures of a smiling Mac without his pluggy…

And one of sis. <3

After Mac finished his tasty donut and Cam was present in the room, Paul joined us at the kitchen table to begin the short ceremony.
Paul will forever be the “Leader” in this particular dialogue as I believe that’s where he needs to be. That leaves me to read the chosen passage in scripture, then both Paul and I separately made a sign of the cross on Mac’s forehead using good ‘ol well-water straight from the tap.
My goal is to get some holy water to keep at the house soon – but tap water seems to work just fine for now.

It was finally the time Mac had been waiting for… to blow out his burning baptism candle!
Thankfully, I was able to find and use the same baptism candle that was burned at Mac’s original baptism ceremony & he had a great time trying to blow it out.
Next to be done from our list of “Mac’s Favorite Things” would be to build a BIG marble tower. We only got so far on this project before he remembered another favorite thing – Cars.
We actually started the movie Cars from the very beginning and kept it on the big tv until the very end! Mac was in and out of the movie, of course, but he kept coming back to it for the most part. He loves to announce the “tractor cows” just before Mater goes cow-tipping.
Baby Mac wanted to go see Gemma outside (the grave we have for her out by the little oak tree and burn barrel) so we went outside. Lots of quality time spent in the toddler pool and making mud bowls before the heat of the day climbed to an uncomfortable steady sweat.

Today was a great day.
Mac was in a very pleasant mood and he got good quality time alone with his mama to do his very favorite things while still giving glory to God.
Up until late last night, I had anticipated researching and planning a day full of activities that would somehow tie-in with God or the bible or baptisms specifically… but the Lord kept me busy enough leading up to today that I didn’t have anything researched or planned in advance. I rested my head on the pillow with NO real plan, and I was OK with that.
(Out of nowhere last night, Mac did ask if daddy had brought home donuts which, of course, the answer yesterday was “nooooo”. Only then did it dawn on me that donuts would be the perfect snack/treat for Mac. We can always count on daddy to bring home our favorite yummy desserts!)
Outside of asking Paul to bring a few donuts home with him, today was just a “roll with it” kind of day. I’m very glad I chose to set time aside intentionally to walk through this special day with Mac; give it some extra special attention. I am beyond excited to keep this new tradition and celebrate our baptism days every year!